ASD Adult Training Series
Relationships Skills Training Series:
This is a 10-week structured skills training series which uses, The Relationship Series, by YAI, as its curriculum. Classes utilize interactive approaches such as group discussion, DVD’s and role play for those who feel comfortable with the latter. This series addresses the various types and progression of relationships. This series will cover: 5 ways to tell if someone is your friend, making and developing friendships / boyfriend & girlfriend relationships / mature, respectful, responsible and healthy relationships. (8 slots available)
Support Groups
ASD Adults 30+ Group:
A support group for adults in their thirties and older to connect with other adults on the spectrum to share information, ideas, and encouragement. This group also provides general education around autism, especially for individuals who were diagnosed or identified as being on the spectrum later in life.
Parents of ASD Adults Support Group:
Educational Workshops
Thinking About College:
Are you thinking about going to college? But you don’t know where to start. Are you not sure who can answer your questions? Then join us for this informational workshop by our knowledgeable presenter, Kristie Procter, the Director of Disability Services at Quinsigamond Community College. Kristie is dedicated to assisting individuals on the spectrum to know how to obtain available supports and services to attend college.
Supports and Services from the Public Transit Authorities
Transportation is one of the top 3 needs cited for adults on the spectrum. But, are you aware of aware of the many options, supports and services offered by the Massachusetts Regional Transit Authorities? Learn about how you may be eligible for reduced bus fares, travel training programs, paratransit services and how to obtain these services.